Bridging The Gap Between Diverse Talent and Opportunity to Increase Prosperity and Reduce Violence

Look at how U-ROC Leadership™ prepares you to live your best life.

“U-ROC Leadership helped me to build confidence and leadership skills. Workshop sessions that really helped me included learning about the trust system.”


“I really didn’t know what I wanted to do or how to chase a dream before coming to U-ROC. Now, I have leadership skills and know how to be dynamic in going after my dreams.”


“I learned a lot about myself and how to work with other people. My confidence level is a lot higher, and I feel ready to pursue my career goals and passions.”


“I didn’t really have an idea on what kind of career I wanted to have, but thanks to U-ROC, I not only learned skills that will help me in the workplace, but I got a job doing what I love.”


Who Is This For?

YOU…If you are graduating from High School
YOU…If you have graduated and have no plans
YOU…If you have enrolled in College, and don’t feel ready to go
YOU…If you aren’t sure College is for you but you want to continually learn
YOU…If you are not sure of the best career for you
YOU…If you are in College and are not sure you made the best choice
YOU…If you have dreams and goals and are not sure how to achieve them

What will you be doing at U-ROC Leadership™?

Professional Development Workshops

Service-Learning Projects

Paid Internships

Our Supporters